今週の漢字: 性格
Last year I didn’t really show my true self except for a few friends with whom I have most in common. I am allowing my true personality to shine this year. I am no longer holding back. Why would I hold back in the first place? I knew you might be thinking that. I like to talk a lot, and there are a few topics I like to focus on. Unfortunately, there are many others who don’t have much in common with me. Plus, there are certain types of people I don’t want to associate with. For example, I tend to disassociate myself from arrogant people and big party people. Then, there are people with whom it’s always a struggle to find a fitting topic. I think these really limit it to a few handfuls with whom I can bond well.
I used to feel bad when I talked to teachers for more than about five minutes, because I felt like I was always bothering them. I’m just going all out these days. I speak whenever and however long I want. Of course, I am not just blabbing away 24/7. I do have manners, you know (I hope you do know). It has definitely changed the relationship with teachers. At least for me, it’s getting to be a more comfortable atmosphere. I suppose this being my second year helps too.
I am also more open this year with expressing my likes and dislikes. I suppose it has always been clear with my choice of anime, video game, or Disney pictures that I use on my worksheets, but I am actually talking more about them now. I speak mainly whatever is on my mind, and I am not worrying over trivial matters like I did last year.
Stay tuned next week for another update!
En français:
La semaine dernière, j’ai oublié écrire le français. Alors, j’écrirai plus de français cette semaine. Il est très difficile pour rencontrer avec quelque personnes qui sont mon âge. Où vont-ils? Je ne sais pas! S’ils vont aux bars seulement, je ne pourrais jamais leur rencontrer. Je pense qu’ils travaillent dans les grandes villes de Japon. C’est malheureux parce que je veux leur parler en japonais. S’ils aiment les memes choses aussi, il serais super!
今週の聖書の詩: “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”
- Romans 12:9-11 (NIV)
今週の写真: My sisters and I at Himeji Castle

1 comment:
Q: Why may you be holding back?
Perhaps your future self knew the answer by answering that for you in a recent entry. lol
A: To please other people by being more of "neutral" personality?
There was that statistic that i still remember that a whopping 70% of the people in your life that you'll meet will dislike you (to varying degrees)...take that for what it's worth...
You go with your newfound "i don't give a flying fox about other ppl" attitude...you badass you!
j/k j/k (still kinda cool though)
Regarding Francais du Jour (or should i say) Semaine?
Where in the world are all the 20-somethings of Japan hiding out?
Maybe it's a huge game of manhunt, but they are far more clever than you think or give
them credit for...hmmm
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