今週の漢字: 音楽
I find it amusing how when I don’t have much to do, I really DON’T have much to do at all. Then, when I have stuff starting to pile up, I am pummeled quickly. Since the 2nd trimester started at Mito HS, I have been watching my time getting sucked out. It’s good in that I am kept busy, but I wish it were more in spurts rather than all at once. Because of all this, I am once again late with my entry, though I assure you that I will post this weekend.
If you didn’t know, my favorite Japanese band is The Pillows. It’s a band that I have known for many years now. They were formed in 1989, but I got really into them starting about 8 years ago. Last Thursday, I went to a Pillows concert in Nagoya. It was great! I don’t usually go to concerts mainly because I don’t like how loud the music can be. Actually, I didn’t even plan on going to this concert.
The day before, someone who knows that I love The Pillows gave me a ticket. She bought it a while ago, but something came up. Considering how rather unknown the band is with Japanese students, I wondered if she could successfully give the ticket to someone else. She works for the bakery that’s close to my apartment. The bakery sends people to Mito HS to sell bread at a designated area in the school. I occasionally buy from it, but I go to the actual bakery more often. Anyway, I think she’s one of those diehard fans, so I got her something from the concert as I also bought myself plenty of merchandise. I would love to go to another Pillows concert.
Stay tuned next week for another update!
En français (et 日本語の歌詞):
J’ai acheté le plus nouveau Pillows CD dans juin. Il s’appelle Pied Piper. Le plus chanson populaire dans leur disque est Tokyo Bambi. Voila la vidéo et les lyriques japonais:
僕のバリケード 跡形もなく吹き飛んじゃった
何笑ってんだ イタズラじゃすまないぜ
人生はそう 一度きりの主演作品さ
知りたくないぜ 明日がどんな日だって
ただただ ひたすら夜明けを待ってる
意味はいらないさ 捨ててしまったんだ
変なポストカード 目の前のキミから届く
何笑ってんだ バンビの目をして
思ってたのは違った キミを幸せにする
知りたくないぜ 明日がどんな日だって
ただただ ひたすら夜明けを待ってる
意味はいらないさ とにかく必要なんだ
聞こえたかい I need you so my darling
何笑ってんだ カワイイ顔して
今週の聖書の詩: “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”
- John 3:19-21 (NIV)
These words are so true. I find it interesting how people prefer to act in the dark when it’s something that they consider bad. Live in the light…
今週の写真: Pictures from when my sisters and I visited Osaka (Namba)!

is that the song you sang in karaoke? i dont remember if i recognize it from karaoke or from you listening to the CD or whatever in your apartment. but i deff notice/remember that song
- sarah
The dynamite in the world detonate sympatheticallying, in order you blow either my barricade marks without and flying it is the [tsu] are the fire of the fuse not to go out your what which is fanned you have laughed [itazura] which is the [ze] which is not completed No rehearsal life so the starring work of one time drill, just it blazes The [ze] tomorrow which we would not like to know even any day waiting for the dawn indeed, intently [ru] meaning it does not enter, you threw away, it is in gravitation and the olfactory sense which are you and it becomes happy The rain starting getting off, your [kuse] hair in Usa one person what which reaches from you before the strange post card eye where the just a little be too large umbrella is useful you have laughed doing the Bambi eye which is The loop slider of the love which it turns with no illegal your feeling circumstance just it enjoys Something occurs and passes and spills and, you being understood with the certain kind of feeling which does not fall, distributing [ru] love, the bottom runs out and passes and thinks makes you who are different happy Just you stretch the hand which looked love with no status two human nature as a nude The [ze] tomorrow which we would not like to know even any day waiting for the dawn indeed, intently [ru] meaning it does not enter, in any case the being audible which is necessary what high I need you so my darling you and it becomes happy What you have laughed the [kawaii] face which is doing
I think i'll understand it better by trying to decipher the actual Kanji on my own...
P.S. The Pillows...i wonder how bands name themselves sometimes?
Act in the dark...there are only two main things that i can think of?...i mean stealing (intellectual and physical property) and having affair(s)...but the latter is usually in darkness
But, i guess there's more "evil deeds" that you have in mind?
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