今週の漢字: 変わる
I recently looked back all the way to elementary school. This isn’t something new. I think about the past once in a while. What got me thinking about it this time was how much I have changed. In one of my classes, we taught some English sayings, and one particular saying reminded me of my own beliefs: “A leopard can’t change its spots.” Since middle school, I have believed that people can’t change much. I still mostly believe in it, but I have modified it a bit.
I don’t think people can completely change unless there’s some extreme push. Without such a force, people change slightly as their environment changes. I think everyone moves together, so a relation between two people would be different from one point to another.
I am still myself and what defines me hasn’t changed too much. However, I have noticed some differences compared to who I was as a high school student. It wasn’t even that long ago, but there are things that have developed more or things that I do now I wouldn’t have done then. I find myself taking more leadership roles these days. I wouldn’t have readily chosen to undertake the amount of responsibility that I do now like what I choose to tackle at Mito HS or the production I started up on my own.
My attraction toward dark topics has developed fully now also. I have embraced my love for it. I had this pull since elementary school, but I never totally gone into the dark side. I tended to mix dark with whimsy even in high school, which I know is an odd combination. Surprisingly, sometimes it worked, but most times it exploded in my face. I have retained a whimsical sense, but I know when it’s best to separate the two polar opposites.
What about you? How have you developed during the past 10 years? I think it’s always good to reflect on your own identity every once in a while. Stay tuned next week for another update!
En français:
Quand j’étais dans le lycée, je ne finissais jamais mes devoirs en avance. J’attendrais jusqu’à le jour avant de la dernière limite. Je m’appelais le roi de temporisation. Pourtant, je finis mon travail rapidement maintenant. Je pense que c’est une grande difference.
今週の聖書の詩: “We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.”
- 1 Corinthians 2:6 (NIV)
今週の写真: This will be the last week for pictures from my sisters’ visit to Japan – Osaka

Give in to your anger my young Padawan. Release your hatred and embrace it. Let if flow through and then you'll understand it's true power. Uhh, i mean......
~ Jay
"When you want to lead something, you have to finish first in order to go ahead.
You have to push yourself to your limits.
It appeals to me to be a temporary king of sorts. (alternatively, it's appealing to have control over myself in the short-term)
Therefore, i want to quickly finish my traveling.
I think that will make a big difference."
Hmm...guess that won't cut it?
When I was in high school/college, I never finished my (home)work in advance.
I would wait until the day before the deadline. I'm the king of procrastination.
However, I finish my work quickly now. I think this is a great difference.
I can't believe that whimsical things could react so volatilely with dark things that they could create explosions!
And you make it sound like it happened more than a few times. Lol, hmm...
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