今週の漢字: 賢い
This past Thursday was that time again when the first Aichi JET meeting of the contract year took place. The difference is this time I went as a 2nd year JET. I was talking with friends about how it’s so odd that we are in our 2nd year. We remembered how when we arrived last year, we thought the 2nd years must be like Japan gurus. On Thursday, when we looked at ourselves, we noticed how clueless we still are.
As I talked to some of the newcomers after the meeting, I was actually surprised by how much I have gathered about Japan and Aichi. A lot of it just came with my experiences last year, and I am no longer worried about much in terms of living in Japan. Well, there’s the language barrier that’s ever so present, but I’m not as scared of it anymore. You must be thinking, “Justin! This is all natural. I knew you would get accustomed to Japan.” Of course you’re right. I know it too, but living it is unbelievably different than saying or thinking it.
I understand all that, yet it’s still good to go through all the thinking. When I went back home to New Jersey, I took a lot of pictures I wouldn’t ordinarily take such as Chinatown restaurants. I always had my job as an AET on my mind. Most of the pictures were taken so that I can show them to my students. I showed many classes my pictures from USA and Canada. Some were very interested, but there were those who couldn’t care less. Did it bother me? Not one bit! If I were in their shoes, I probably wouldn’t care much either; I’m not experiencing much nor would I associate much with the pictures.
For this contract year, I want to put myself out there more. Plus, I need to act more too. I feel that it’s getting a tad rusty. Stay tuned next week for another update!
今週の聖書の詩: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
- Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)
今週の写真: Pictures from when my sisters and I went to Kobe =)

1 comment:
Looking out for someone other than ourselves is still a really good lesson to learn and keep in mind. Passing on some small tips to newcomers and sharing photos with your students may not be much, but it's the thought that counts (as you already know).
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