Disney is awesome, isn’t it?! If you don’t think so, perhaps Japan isn’t right for you. Of course there are people who don’t really care about Disney, but I’ve come across many who share my love of Disney. Everywhere you go, you should be able to find some reference to the big mouse. I think the exposure of Disney might even rival franchises such as Sanrio. Picture all the Hello Kitty and Disney merchandise bombarding customers every day in all parts of Japan. Sometimes you may wonder how a store in Japan can be so colorful. Think about the red and pink of Hello Kitty, blue from Stitch, yellow from Pooh, and insert other cute lovable characters as you please. As one of my friends put it the other day, Japan excels in cuteness.
People here are getting to know me more and all my interests (some call them obsessions =/ ). Anyway, I bond really well with some students because of my love for Disney. My family bought me a Mickey watch from Disney World when they went a few months ago. I’ve been wearing it lately and all the Disney-philes in Japan spot it from a mile away. Sometimes I’m just minding my own business when I hear a student pointing at my watch and shouting, “Mickey! MICKEY!”
This is a fitting post to mention that I watched the trailer for the newest Disney animated film coming out during the holidays in the USA. I’m not talking about a PIXAR movie, but rather a Disney film going back to its roots. If you don’t know about The Princess and the Frog, you must watch the trailer NOW! I’m not going to be an ad for Disney, so if you are like me and love Disney, I'm sure you won’t hesitate to check it out.
Let Disney’s brainwashing continue!
En français:
L’AET, qui était ici avant moi, a revenu à Japon la semaine dernière. J’ai rencontré avec elle pour la première fois vendredi. Il était super parce que la communication avant vendredi était par l’Internet seulement. Je sais que des personnes ont voulu rencontrer avec elle. Alors, j’ai accueilli une fête aujourd’hui.
最近生徒は本当に元気だ!それから、毎日疲れて日本語を勉強してない。日本語でもちろん間違いがいっぱいあるけど、がんばります! 次回この新しいパートはもっと長いだよ!
今週の聖書の詩: “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.”
- Titus 3:1-2 (NIV)
今週の写真: May 5, 2009 at Miyajima – This is the shrine that some of you may have seen pictures of. My friends and I went at low tide so that we can go out to the gate. Then we walked around, ate a lot, saw some of the deer in the area, and went to many of the small shops around the island. It was very beautiful. I didn’t think it was so great at first, but I warmed up to the shrine and the island. The deer were fun to see. They were quite friendly, although I have heard that sometimes the deer do indeed attack people. Miyajima is considered #1 of the 3 most beautiful scenic places in Japan. I don’t think you really need to think much of such a list as there are a lot of lists in Japan. Maybe this is the origin of why many people here seem to love standing in line. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a legitimate hobby… oh my… So without further ado, take a gander at my Miyajima pictures! =)

Hmm...welcome back from your 3 month hiatus of non-posting!
I'm sure your unintentionally hilarious photos were missed.
Anyways, I remember reading about the whole "going back to hand-drawn animation" with Disney, and I think it's great and will set them apart from all of the newer CGI animation.
I see the first picture is, like I mentioned above, inadvertently comical b/c of its double exclamation marks and cartoon of girl and antlered deer.
The fourth photo looks very professional in quality (perhaps the area lends itself to that).
The last (seventh) photo looks like you were Photoshopped in (or perhaps the background was Green-screened)
Just observing...
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