今週の漢字: 休み
I’m still here! I haven’t forgotten about my blog. I’ve been really busy. Okay, I’m sure I could’ve found the time to update my blog. My workload at school has increased compared to last year. Part of the extra work is due to my requests and offers. I want to be of as much use as I can to the school. Because of school consuming the bulk of my energy, I don’t have enough to motivate me to update my blog. Well, I hope all that can change with me trying to get back into the habit.
Some of you might be wondering what else I’ve been up to. I’m traveling a bit, hanging out with friends, talking to people from the states, exploring unknown territories, and trying to manage all my hobbies. I'd say my first year in Japan was more about exploring as much of Japan as I could. The second year was about accomplishing my theatrical needs and getting to know more of the local community. My third year seems like it'll focus heavily on travel. I also really want to continue with my language studies, but I just don’t have the time for it these days. My lack of energy does not help either.
So enough with my daily activities! Golden Week has just ended in Japan. This is a time of a few national holidays all within a week. Usually, companies would get a week or more off, but schools don’t. Also, I found out that most of my students had to go to school for clubs or studying. I feel sorry for them in that they can’t get the time completely off.
As many students had schoolwork and activities to do, I went on a trip with some friends to Nagasaki, Miyajima, and Hiroshima. Why not show you about those places through pictures?! I’m sure you must all be dancing with joy. Take a look at the pictures section for Nagasaki. I hope to update regularly again. Next time I will write about... whatever I feel like writing, but I’ll definitely also post pictures and my impression of Miyajima.
En français:
J’ai besoin de mettre à jour ce blog. Ils y ont beaucoup de choses que je peux écrire. Récemment, je n’ai pas l’énergie pour continuer les langues que je suis apprenant. Ils y ont des moments quand je ne veux pas parler en anglais. Pourtant, je dois essayer. Cette est une réussite que j’ai chanté un chanson japonais au karaoke. Il est super, n’est-ce pas?!
今週の聖書の詩: “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”
- Habakkuk 3:17-18 (NIV)
今週の写真: May 2, 2009 to May 4, 2009 at Nagasaki…
Another Chinatown gate at night

Dejima: This was an artificial island made for the Dutch traders when Japan closed itself off to foreign trade except for with the Dutch. You should notice an East meets West style.

Oura Catholic Church: There aren't many Christian churches in Japan. If you walk around and see what appears to be a church, you're probably looking at a chapel of which is only used for what people term "Western-style marriages."

Penguin touch: This little dude felt sort of like rubber despite the feathers.
In all my life, i've never heard you use the word "dude." I wonder if the penguin felt anything like those eels we petted at that Aquarium out on Long Island?
~ Jay
P.S. Nice to see that you're alive and well bro :D
It is pretty super-amazing that you sung a whole song in Japanese, considering your diminishing application of learned languages.
So what is that yellow doorway's speech bubble saying?
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