今週の漢字: 自転車
This weekend’s post will be focused on the Tokyo Game Show. As for this post, I want to write about my biking experiences. As some of you know, I learned how to ride a bike only a month before leaving for the JET Program last year. I wasn’t actually comfortable enough to deal with Japan’s streets. Those of you who have read all my posts know of my biking woes in Japan.
When I first came, biking to the school was a struggle. I rode on the main roads, and the cars scared me as they passed me nearly hitting me. I suppose I was thinking too much about it too, which caused me to have close calls of falling onto the cars. There’s also a sharp narrow turn to a street close to my apartment. It’s right after the train tracks, so when I turn, it’s a slight downward slope. Last year I crashed into a pole by that street a few times. Every time I crashed, I would stop and act as if something was wrong with my bike. In fact, nothing was wrong. I was just too embarrassed to get back on my bike and ride on.
Anyway, I have found some back roads to school that are much more suitable for bike riding. As I walked to school, I noticed some kids coming out of certain small streets. It didn’t seem to make sense, but I had to keep in mind how the design origin of roads in most of Japan is indiscernible. When I knew traffic wouldn’t be so congested, I took to the streets on bike and tried different ways to the school. I’m happy to have found a few routes. Since then, I’ve been basically biking to school. As the saying goes, “It’s better late than never.”
Stay tuned this weekend for another update!
En français:
Je regarde les étudiants quelque fois quand ils vont à vélo. Il est incroyable quand ils traversent une rue sans de regarder s’il y a une voiture. Il est étonnant quand une personne va à vélo pendant qu’il tient un parapluie. C’est très dangereux!
今週の聖書の詩: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
- 1 Timothy 4:8 (NIV)
今週の写真: Some pictures from the Culture Festival

1 comment:
"I look at the students some time when they go to bicycle. It is incredible when they cross a street without looking at if there is a car. It is astonishing when a person goes to bicycle while it holds an umbrella. They is very dangerous!"
LOL...ah the wonders and worries of cycling...i used to think how can some kids ride a bicycle hands-free...and the bike would not veer off or even wobble, just kept going straight ahead...dangerous for sure.
Anyways, from what i remember from our talks and this post...you have improved much, which is spectacular. Good on you!
~ Curtiss
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