今週の漢字: 後ろに
Ai ya… I missed two weekends in a row! That is… something I expected would happen eventually since I started this blog, but now I must get back to posting diligently. I will make every effort to dish out two new posts by next week (including this weekend’s normal post).
My time at home was spectacular. Canada had its hits and misses. First things first, I think some vocabulary crept back to my mind’s surface, so that was definitely welcomed. Let’s see how long it will take for me to plunge again. Anyway, I will go backward, so for this post, I want to write about my feelings on returning to Japan.
I think I felt a bit of homesickness on Monday after initially returning. It’s interesting, because I didn’t feel it when I was in Miami and it’s the same with my year in Japan. I attribute this feeling to a very fast and somewhat rushed time back on the other side of the world. I couldn’t do everything that I wanted, which is okay I suppose. Maybe my feeling was also fueled by how much time I spent with my sisters. I was with them for about a whole month. I can’t believe we were able to stand each other. They can attest to the fact that I can be a bit difficult at times. Actually, many of you who know me probably know it too. I don’t get angry easily, but I can make your time frustrating. Well, it’s up to you to believe me or disregard it as unfounded negativity.
The feeling has drastically diminished and seems to be close to nil now. Do I miss home? I’m still going to have to say that I don’t exactly miss it. Maybe if you asked me a few days ago when I first came back to Japan, I might have responded differently, but I was overwhelmed with emotion, not to mention fatigue from the nearly 24 hours it took me to finally get back to my apartment from the time I departed the states.
Stay tuned next week for another update!
En français:
D’apprendre une nouvelle langue est très difficile pour moi. Il est possible que je dois plus utiliser les langues. J’ai beaucoup d’ambitions. Alors, je veux apprendre plus de langues. J’expliquerai cette pensée dans le futur.
今週の聖書の詩: “Jesus replied, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.’”
- John 14:23-24 (NIV)
今週の写真: 1) Toronto’s Centre Island – Doesn’t it look so serene? 2) Sisters on a pier; 3) Parents riding a silly contraption; 4) Sisters and I coerced (slightly) to ride a larger one; 5) On a bridge with a good view of the CN Tower in the back; 6) Look at the current tallest building in the world!

1 comment:
O Canada! The CN tower is a sight to see...yeah languages are interesting to learn, to retain, to use...
And children should be children... people in their right places
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