今週の漢字: 特別
Golden week, a time of a few national holidays with many companies also off for the time in between, is quickly approaching. I hear that a lot of companies are closed for a whole week, but in my school, there is no such luxury. Aichi Mito High School is fully open, except for the few national holidays. This fun time brings with it an abundance of sales. I think that stores have sales for almost anything. It seems that it is rare for stores to have no special sales. Of course, I hardly buy things until they are on sale. I think all the stores are taking the Macy’s approach with sales left and right. I guess the sales are usually in reference to some holiday in Japan versus Macy’s sometimes random sales in the U.S. Actually, I like the names of some of the sales I have seen. In the winter, a lot of stores in Toyohashi were part of the “Winter Bazaar.” Doesn’t that sound so exciting? How about the “New Year’s Bargain”? Of course, you can never beat the “Clearance Bargain”!
A Japanese person once told me that Japanese people eat up anything new. I must say that I have witnessed it first hand. I was walking by an electronics store on one Sunday when I noticed a long line that even wrapped around the building corner. My curiosity got the best of me, so I checked to see what the big deal was. There was some new electronic being released. I suppose that when it comes to electronics, there are even cases of lining up in America—Nintendo Wii anyone? However, have you ever heard of people waiting hours for a new food place? How much do you like donuts? I have heard countless times in the states of the greatness of Krispy Kreme, but would you wait on line for at least 2 hours just for some Krispy Kreme doughnuts? I like Krispy Kreme, but I would only willingly wait on line for an amusement park ride. Would you wait hours for Cold Stone Creamery? Well, I definitely wouldn’t. I don’t think Cold Stone is all that great anyway. I definitely do not think it’s worth the price. If I saw that long of a line for Cold Stone, I would happily go to another ice cream shop like Baskin-Robbins. Oh no, I’ll probably get tons of hate mail now.
Stay tuned next week for another update!
En français:
Je ne pense pas que les américains resteraient pour des nourritures. S’il y avait une queue longue, je pense qu’ils se plaindraient. Quand je suis allé à Disney World, j’ai vu que beaucoup de personnes étaient furieux quelquefois parce qu’ils ont dû rester pour plus de 30 minutes. Au contraire, je n’avais vu personne ici qui était furieux sur une queue. Il est possible que les japonais soient furieux, mais ils ne l’exposent pas.
今週の聖書の詩: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
- Romans 1:18-20 (NIV)
God’s creation is truly amazing. It’s unfortunate that people just refuse to believe. I haven’t really heard anything too convincing to argue against the existence of God and intelligent design. Well, I cannot fully admit that I am completely objective, but I try to be. Most of the time, people just attack either my faith or refer to their own beliefs, which doesn’t actually try to intelligently present a different case. I don’t fully believe in evolution, but I will say that I don’t think many Christians really understand the theory of evolution to refute it properly. I hope people can be smart enough to research on accurate information if they want to provide a valid argument for anything.
今週の写真: Here’s what I have for you this week: 1) Look what I made—chocolate chip blondies; 2) look at something else I made—pumpkin bread; 3) I didn’t make this, but YUMMY PARFAIT; 4) there was a rather large fish in a river in Toyohashi; 5) awww… cute!

Hate mail #1
Do not sully the great name of Cold Stone Creamery. Although, i will forgive you as you said you love the vanilla bean cheesecake and i LOVE that one too.
~ Your cuz
!! cold stones amazing, you dont know what youre saying. and if cold stone isnt avilable, then the next best choice would be ben&jerrys, not baskin robins. get your ice cream facts rightt. haha
i zoomed in on the picture of the snail. and, well, lets just say, i didnt think it was very cute...
btw i replied to your email, so check itt
- sarah
oh also, that parfait looks reallyyyyy good. when hannah and i go to japan, i wanna try one :]
- sarah
Hmm...I guess I'm one of the unlucky (lucky?) few that hasn't really had that much Cold Stone experience...so I'll be neutral on that topic...for now
Regarding the pictures...the cookie looks only decent...i would have been lost w/o a caption...the parfait seems to be a tad leaky on the left/front...and the snail looks fairly sickly or D-e-a-d...
"I do not think the Americans would remain [on line] for food. If there was a long line, I think they would complain. When I went to Disney World, I saw that many people were furious because they sometimes had to stay for more than 30 minutes. On the contrary, I did? [sic-not] see anyone here who was furious over a queue. It is possible that the Japanese are furious, but they did not express it."
Yeah that's kind of insanely crazy to be on a line for food for 1/2 + hours...
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