今週の漢字: 愛
Valentine’s Day rolled around this past week. For the teachers and my English track students (except for my third years because they don’t come to school anymore in order to concentrate on exams), I baked peanut butter cookies. First, I feel that I should mention how there really isn’t an abundance of peanut butter like in the U.S. There’s something here that is called “peanut cream,” but it’s not the same. A bit of peanut can be tasted, but it’s very fatty. There is Skippy here, but I have to go to supermarkets to find it. Even in some, it can’t be found. The other drawback is how it is so expensive. So, although the recipe called for peanut butter, I used the peanut cream. Because of its more creamy texture, it was really hard for the cookies to form, so I had to add more flour. It seemed to have done the trick, but I’m curious how these cookies would taste with peanut butter.
Immediately after the New Year’s hoopla in Japan (Jan. 1st), Valentine’s Day ads were in its full display. However, they are geared toward women. In contrast to America and many other countries where men bear much of the Valentine’s burden, women generally give to men in Japan. The prime gift is a homemade baked good, especially all or partially chocolate. When I was showing my friend around a few places, we saw lots of women of all ages crowding the baking areas or the special Valentine’s baking areas. It was really intense even to witness. It was also really hard to maneuver through the mobs. Ah, what love does to people… well, it’s probably mostly crushes actually.
This is an important time of the year, because this is the opportunity for the girl to confess her love. It doesn’t mean that a girl can only give something to that guy whom she longs for, but she can give to anyone. However, if there is that special guy, he gets the big prize—the hand and homemade creation that the girl has put in her all. Naturally, there are some guys who get many confessions. So, when do they respond? A response is not needed until White Day, which is a month after Valentine’s Day. I’ll write more about it next month.
Considering Valentine’s Day took place on a school day, I experienced the giddiness that spread throughout the school. Many teachers (male and female) got treats from some students (only girls give). I got a sizeable amount of chocolate, and I have so many cookies left over. I baked too much, so now I can indulge in lots of sweets. Time to eat!
Stay tuned next week for another update!
今週の聖書の詩: “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.”
- 1 Corinthians 13:8 (NIV)
Considering my post’s title is “love,” why not quote from the Bible’s chapter on love? Well, I didn’t quote the most famous part, because I really like this particular verse. It shows how love is powerful, but it is definitely something thrown around easily these days. Now that I think about it, I wonder if the misuse of love is something that stretches long back instead of a more recent problem. I think it’s rare for someone to fully have love, but I think a part of love can be attained. Well, this is just my thought, and I'm not sure if it has any backing. I think this is one of those abstract things that is interesting to think about.
今週の写真: Be warned: Most of the pictures are of me. It’s time for me to engage in my narcissistic practice.
Wearing Noh masks
A building in Meiji-mura
Zojoji Temple in front of Tokyo Tower
DISNEY STORE in Tokyo (Shibuya)
With my friend, George, at the Meiji Shrine in Tokyo (Harajuku)
Seafood cream pizza (lots of seafood, corn, asparagus, and mayonnaise)--YUM!
Oo, so who's your secret admirer? or should i say admirers? (wink wink)
Although i think i'll pass on that pizza. It literally made my stomach turn...and i'm at a client. (wouldn't look too professional)
~ Your cuz,
Hmm...i guess i forgot to comment on this entry...yeah love can be many things...especially mysterious...and who knew that you could bake so well?
P.S. -- Be sure to check on the vict..erm..recipients of your baked goods in a day or so.
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