
今週の漢字: 始(める/まる)

It is truly the beginning—a bright start of many things. As college life ends, life in the “real world” begins. I’ll soon be traveling to Japan as a participant of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program, where I’ll be an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) of English. It seems that there will be more acronyms than I have ever faced as I continue to venture into this territory of life. I suppose it’s less than if I pursued psychology.

I will be leaving from New York City on July 28, 2007 and attending the program orientation with group A. The departures are arranged in three groups: A, B, and C. Each departure point is placed in either group A or B. Group A arrives first at the end of July and completes orientation by August 1, whereas group B arrives and completes orientation the following week. Group C is designated for alternates (wait-listed) who are upgraded past the deadline that would have allowed the upgraded participant to arrive with the originally intended group. If you are lost, I don’t blame you. If you get into the program, all that matters is to know which group you depart with.

I still do not know where I am placed, but will post it up when I find out. If you are one of those people who ask me every time I see you, I will let you know as soon as I find out. For the remaining weeks leading up to my departure, I will be writing more about the application process. I am hoping to continue with my Japanese studies and build up on what I have learned this year in my UM Japanese classes that were taught by the fabulous Mari-先生. I also want to learn more Chinese. Maybe this is too ambitious, but I am going to give it a try anyway. So what if my mind is already thinking in English, French, Chinese, and Japanese??

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a journal of my experiences as a JET. As much as this is for my family and friends, I intend for this blog to be a valuable source for people who are interested in applying to the JET Program. I plan on updating every week either on Friday or Saturday. Everyone feel free to comment even if you do not have a blogger username. =)

Stay tuned next week for thoughts on graduation and specifics on what drew me to the JET Program!

今週の写真: Because I do not have a camera yet, here's an adorable cat and bunny.


Anonymous said...


im first as i said on the phone.[:

- sarah

Anonymous said...

lol. why is the rabbit bigger than the cat ;)

Anonymous said...

boooooo the bunny and cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahhahahah


Anonymous said...

Hi Justin!!
I can't believe you are leaving us so soon, we're all going to miss you Justin. Lol...I didn't know your such a hard worker (chinese too). I hope you have a safe and happy journey to orlando, NYC, and Japan. I will continue to KIT and follow you on your adventures through your blog.
-Elaine Chan

Anonymous said...

Well this is long overdue. Congrats on being accepted to the JET program!!!

P.S.--That's either one ginormous bunny or one super-shrunken cat.
