今週の漢字: 決定
It’s that time again for me to inform the Board of Education if I intend to re-contract. I already knew that I would most likely stay for my third year. It has been my plan ever since I received my acceptance letter into the JET Program. Another factor that solidified my original plan includes a grade level I want to see graduate.
I still spent a lot of time thinking. It was mainly about my openness on staying for a fourth year when the next re-contracting period comes next year. Although I was always open to it, I had it set in my heart to return at the end of my third year. However, there are a few reasons that would keep me for a fourth. There has been a change in the program in my prefecture, but it’s something I can’t divulge to the public just yet. This change makes me wonder if I should just do one more year. I will write more about it when the cat’s out of the bag.
The economy has been another major factor, and I’m sure it will be a major factor next year too. The JET Program representatives advise against staying on the program solely for monetary purposes. It wouldn’t be my only or primary reason, but it’s definitely up there. With all of the mess USA has created for itself and the rest of the world, I think it needs to fall before it can pick itself back up.
(As a short aside, I’m amazed how Obama becoming president has immediately improved America’s image. I’m not surprised by the international reaction to Obama, but rather, I’m surprised by how instant people started to see a brighter America. However, this does not mean that the international view of America is good. It’s still, for the most part, very bad. Here’s hoping to the US bettering its public relations!)
I have accomplished one of my goals, which was to be involved with theatre in Japan. It was an open and vague goal, but I felt like my involvement with the Nagoya Players’ A Christmas Carol during my first year here wasn’t enough for me. After having directed a play in Japan, I really want to focus on acting. I haven’t been very forthcoming as to my dramatic passion, but it really is acting. I like directing (back in America) and I like writing (of which I haven’t done in a long while), but I find acting to be most rewarding and fun for me. I plan to focus mainly on this when I return home, which I do hope will be sooner than later.
That being said, I have goals that haven’t been realized yet. I have traveled to some of the major cities and areas in Japan. I have visited China finally, although not where in China I feel is a must for me. I plan on doing more traveling, especially in Asia and the other islands of Japan. I already have plans underway for this year. I hope they all come to fruition.
I go through stages of excitement and burnout in my learning of languages. Lately, I have been facing burnout more often than excitement. I focus a lot of my time on my job. Therefore, I don’t have as much energy for languages. As some of you may have experienced, learning a language takes up so much energy and effort. Of course after a certain level, less energy is needed, but I am definitely not there yet. I know that my understanding and speaking of Japanese has improved since coming here. I just need to set more defined goals for myself in all the languages I am learning.
There you have it. This was a tell-all about what’s going on in my mind. I know this post took a long time to be posted. My blog isn’t really on the top of my priorities, but I really do try to get it up weekly. As I get more responsibilities and do more overall, I don’t know how often I can update. Keep on the lookout for my next post where I’ll write about Japan and subtleties.
En français:
Le mois dernier, j’ai appris français à une élève du club d’anglais. Il était très difficile parce que j’oubliais beaucoup! Quand je l’ai parlé plus de rapide, j’ai parlé un peu de japonais et chinois. Alors, j’ai eu besoin de parler plus de lent. Je pense que ce blog est mon seulement exercice. Je ne veux pas oublier le français. Je veux continuer à souvenir!
今週の聖書の詩: “Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.”
- 2 Corinthians 4:1-2 (NIV)
今週の写真: 1) Two pictures of food from Shanghai. DELICIOUS! 2) A few weeks ago, I went to Arimatsu in my prefecture of Aichi. It’s famous for its fabric. There was an invitation-only kimono shopping event for the rich. The Aichi JET community was invited to learn more about Japanese culture rather than the spending. Take a look at all the beautiful kimono and gasp at the prices! (Note: currently about ¥93 JPY equals $1 USD)