今週の漢字: 規則的
The club time seems to be the best part of school for many students in Japan. For some students, the purpose of school is club time. As with any high school in America, not all students feel the same way about clubs. Some prefer to go home early while others prefer (or are forced) to study, which is basically just memorizing a bunch of facts and figures. For those who belong to a club, there seems to be nothing but drills. I don’t think I have ever seen a practice game or any game at all during the club time.
I understand the necessity of drills and skill improvement, but I think people need to also build stamina and game experience by playing practice games with fellow club members. As with most things, this is not always the case. There are some times I believe I have seen the soccer team play scrimmages. However, I’m not sure as the ball seems to like to try hitting me. I hope that they are playing scrimmages instead of targeting their teachers.
If you think adults play games over drilling, you deserve to actually get hit with a soccer ball. I don’t know why I have been overcome with violence. It must be all the viewing of martial arts clips on youtube. Anyway, getting back to the adults and sports, the kind of club mentality of belonging to a group continues way into adulthood. Then again, Japanese society focuses more on a sense of community. Similar to school, adults may participate in big tournaments, but usually without any scrimmages. I wonder if everyone is playing a practice game behind closed doors as if it was a taboo. In all seriousness, I really have seen some actual game playing instead of drills, but I’ve seen so much drilling that it seems like games do not exist outside of official tournaments.
Stay tuned next week for another update!
En français:
Je fais une promenade dans le lycée quelquefois. Quand je suis allé au club de musique, j’étais très déçu. Les étudiants ont accordé leur instruments pendant 30 minutes. Ensuite, ils ont pratiqué sans le chef d’orchestre. Chacun a joué de son instrument. Mon amie a dit que c’est le même dans son école.
今週の聖書の詩: “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”
- Matthew 16:26 (NIV)
今週の写真: Kyoto – Day 2: Kinkakuji and Kiyomizu-dera—pretty, eh?